Our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Policies focus on building positive, personal relationships within the entire school community whilst promoting a safe, supportive and respectful environment that fosters learning and faith development.
At Sheahan, we promote a Positive Education Approach which nurtures the wellbeing, resilience and engagement of our students whilst blending academic learning with character and wellbeing. It focuses on preparing students for life with skills such as grit, optimism, respect, kindness, self motivation and teamwork.
Positive Education draws on the science of Positive Psychology, which emphasises what is good about people, fosters positive relationships and focuses on human strengths.
- Wellbeing and Support Referral Form
- Student School Info - Student agreement policies / Maps / FAQs etc
- Whole School Wellbeing Policy
- Student Safe School Policy
- Student Discipline Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Behaviour to Learn Guidelines
- Merit Level Guide
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Use of Mobile Phones at School
- Parent Concerns and Questions
- Parent Email Contact
- Weather / Sun Safe Policy
- Uniform 2023
- Casual Clothes Day Guidelines
- Hair and Makup
- Student FAQ
- Parent FAQ